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HomeBusinessNikesh arora journey from IIT-BHU graduate to the world's highest-paid executive.

Nikesh arora journey from IIT-BHU graduate to the world’s highest-paid executive.

Throughout his tech career, nikesh arora has been known to earn large salaries; in fact, he is one of the few non-founder tech executives to make the billionaire’s list. He is regarded as the highest-paid executive globally, having worked with some of the largest corporations in the world. Nikesh (Arora, an IIT-BHU graduate in electrical engineering, has carved out a niche for himself in the tech industry, with employers throwing caution to the wind to keep a talent like him.

The highest-paid executive at Google in 2012
In 2012, Nikesh Arora’s was hired by Google on a $51 million package, making him the company’s highest-paid executive. Upon his departure from the Silicon Valley-based company, Nikesh accumulated stock awards valued at a minimum of $200 million.

nikesh arora

The successor of Masayoshi Son
Nikesh broke all previous records in Japan when he was hired by Masayoshi Son of SoftBank Group in 2014, according to a Bloomberg report, with an incredible $135 million compensation package in his first year. Nikesh Arora became the highest paid executive in the world with his SoftBank salary. He was viewed by those in the company as the heir apparent to the renowned investor Masayoshi Son.

Nikesh Arora, an IIT-BHU graduate in electrical engineering, has carved out a niche for himself in the tech industry, with employers throwing open their wallets to hang onto a talent such as his.

Palo Alto Networks’ CEO and chief cybersecurity officer, Nikesh Arora (Bloomberg)

Throughout his tech career, Nikesh Arora has been known to earn large salaries; in fact, he is one of the few non-founder tech executives to make the billionaire’s list. He is regarded as the highest-paid executive globally, having worked with some of the largest corporations in the world. Nikesh Arora, an IIT-BHU graduate in electrical engineering, has carved out a niche for himself in the tech industry, with employers throwing caution to the wind to keep a talent like him.

A significant amount of Nikesh Arora’s ownership stake in Palo Alto Networks is derived from more than 3.4 million options that he was given when he first started working for the company. This indicates that Arora has consistently performed well. These options could only be realized if certain share-price targets were reached, all of which have been accomplished, including the most challenging goal of a 300% increase.

Palo Alto Networks and Nikesh Arora benefited from the recent high-profile hacking incidents by taking advantage of the surge in the cybersecurity market. Since 2018, the company’s share price has quadrupled, making Arora’s investment now valued at $830 million. Nikesh Arora sold shares for $300 million last year.

outstanding performance
According to the company, Nikesh Arora’s high salary is appropriate given his stellar performance and ability to vest $102 million in value annually.

The company stated in a proxy statement that the Board concluded that a meaningful equity award would be required to guarantee that Mr. Arora is retained and engaged due to the substantial vested ownership and the amount that he was expected to vest in over the next few years.



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